
Лох это судьба
Что написал? Если не трудно то скинь копию)
Hello today I normally used the Steam Trade on dota 2 lounge and me add a person https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095707242 Super
and I asked him to sell him the arcane (Sell he asked through the exchange so as he needed my veshi betting and he needs them were exchanged between the state and he said why do not you vystavish deshovye veshi I will buy them, and you'll pass veshi) It took some time and I go to your account and see the steam stim alert, and how do I remove the restrictions now? All games purchased through the store Steam, and get on the free distribution of And I took my stuff There is only room charges (НОМЕР ПЛАТЕЖА )

I am the first owner of the account
The first game was purchased (ПЕРВАЯ ИГРА И ДАТА)
Login: (ЛОГИН)
Code of family viewing: (СЕМЕЙНЫЙ КОД ,ЕСЛИ ЕСТЬ)
Email: (МАЙЛ)

ИХ ОТВЕТ: Hello,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

You arranged the sale of one or more items at inflated prices via the Steam Community Market. All of the funds you received in these transactions were fraudulently obtained.

We have removed items and games added to the account since these transactions as well as any remaining fraudulent wallet funds. These items, games, and funds will not be restored.

Avoid all offers of Steam Wallet funds through the Steam Market or you may inadvertently become involved in payment fraud.

For more information, please review our Market Scam FAQ:

Title: Scam FAQ
URL: https://support.steampowered.com/kb/3415-WAFH-6433/#marketscams

We have unlocked your account at this time. Please note that this will be the only warning you will receive. Similar behavior on this or any related accounts in the future will result in a permanent lock without further notice.
Как тебе вообще сняли, ты как то не внятно написал.(там есть и ру поддержка)
Последнее редактирование:
Как тебе вообще сняли, ты как то не внятно написал.(там есть и ру поддержка)
Я и в Русскую написал , и в Английскую ( Английская раньше ответила , я просто тот текст вставил в google переводчик и отослал :D )
Лол, уже 3 раза получал кт, и 3 раза на следующий день снимали (вообще ни за что, в саппорт не писал, тупо забивал))) Потом написал в поддержку и мне сказали мол слишком много вещей покупаю (я занимаюсь покупкой и перепродажей вещей dota 2 и csgo
Изи снял КТ, когда кардингом занимался, сняли через 2 дня